Twin Flame Energy Update October 10–17, 2024: Major Shifts for the Twin Flame Collective and Third Wave, Full Moon Insights on the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

Priscilla Fontoura
4 min readOct 10, 2024

The energies around us have been intense lately, signaling that we are entering a powerful and transformative period for twin flames. Movement is happening behind the scenes, and Divine Masculines are increasingly turning their thoughts toward their Divine Feminines. This is a crucial time, as the energetic dynamics between twin flames are shifting in profound ways.

Shifting Dynamics in Twin Flames:

As we transition into new timelines, there is a collective sense of feeling happier, more protected, and at peace. The familiar runner-chaser dynamic that often defines twin flame connections is starting to balance out. The chaser is stepping back, focusing on self-growth and surrendering to the divine plan, while the runner begins to slow down and reconsider their stance. This shift creates a more harmonious energy between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, transforming the push-pull dynamic into a dance of mutual growth and understanding.

Surrendering to the Journey:

For Divine Feminines, the next step is to fully embrace surrender. It’s a time to place trust and faith in the universe…



Priscilla Fontoura

Intuitive writer and blogger about twin flames, spirituality, manifesting, and integrating spiritual practices into our daily lives.🦢🕊️✨