Archangel Michael and Twin Flames: Protecting the Connection

Priscilla Fontoura
4 min readJul 28, 2024
Archangel Michael protects the twin flame connection ❤

Archangel Michael is one of the most popular Archangels, known as a protector, guide, warrior, and a soldier in God’s army of angels. He lends us his strength to battle our own demons, gives us his blue sword of light to cut away energies that don’t serve us, and protects us from negative entities that try to influence the twin flame connection. Personally, Archangel Michael has guided me in my connection with my divine counterpart. He has sent me signs and blue orbs of light, making me aware of his presence in my daily life. This Archangel provided crucial help during a pivotal time in my twin flame journey in July 2023.

In July 2023, around 6 am to 7 am, Archangel Michael came to me. I was half awake and half asleep when suddenly the entire atmosphere of the room changed. The light outside grew brighter, and the sun shone even more intensely. It felt like everything in the room froze and time stood still. It happened so fast, but I remember seeing him through my third eye: a tall warrior with androgynous features, accompanied by two beings of pure light on his right and left. I lay there frozen, half asleep and a bit confused. A sense of peace washed over me, and I heard him say, “It’s okay to let go, Priscilla. This connection is protected.” Then he disappeared, and I drifted back to sleep, waking up in shock as I realized what had just…



Priscilla Fontoura
Priscilla Fontoura

Written by Priscilla Fontoura

Intuitive writer and blogger about twin flames, spirituality, manifesting, and integrating spiritual practices into our daily lives.🦢🕊️✨

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